I believe families can thrive when they feel ease and comfort in their space. - Maggie Lunetta
I didn’t get into residential interior design by way of school or formal training – it’s just always been a passion of mine. I remember building homes out of Lego sets as a kid and staying home on Saturday nights to rearrange my room (cool, right?). This love of design continued into adulthood. Word got around and my friends started asking me for advice on their homes, which turned into curating Pinterest boards, doing informal at-home visits, or sharing snaps of must-have items from my shopping trips. Over and over again, I would hear the same thing - “you should really be doing this for a living.”
Well, my stars finally aligned, and I decided to hang up my 18 year (!) career in advertising to start the next chapter of my professional life. It was a bittersweet move, but those 18 years weren’t lost with this change. My experience in advertising taught me a ton about the retail and design industry. I spent many years launching home, fashion and beauty brands and designer collaborations, and crossed paths with some of the best talent in the industry, including noted editors, bloggers, and celebrities.
Along for this new ride (literally) is my diligent assistant, Nugget. He tags along to site visits and product runs when he knows pets are welcome and treats are abundant! With his impeccable taste and discerning side-eye, all final designs must receive his paw of approval.
When I’m not working, you will likely find me out and about with my family - which includes my husband Kevin, and step daughters, Meadow and Meghan. Some of our favorite things are boating and chasing sunsets on Lake Minnetonka, cheering on the Gophers in football or winding down at the cabin with a bonfire and friends.

“Maggie will strategically guide you or, if your needs are like mine, she’ll just take your design opinions and run with them. One downside: you’ll never want to leave your house. Ever.”